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Electric Eel Shockディスコグラフィ
20カ国以上の国々をツアーし続け年間200本以上のライブを行なっている日本が世界に誇るホームレス・ロック・バンド "Mixing dark fuzzy stoner rock riffs with classic rock sensibilities and addictive song-writing hooks, EES occupy the gaping void somewhere between Queens Of The Stoneage, AC/DC and Black Sabbath." Kerrang "You’d have to be the most miserable of metal purists or the ultimate elitist trend follower not to allow yourself to simply enjoy this band..." Classic Rock "The true triumph of Electric Eel Shock is that they put on a show that can be equally enjoyed by metal’s fanatics and its detractors. This is more than just a rock show – it’s a complete entertainment package." Metro

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